Mgsv to Make the World One Again

"You lot too have known loss, and that loss torments you still. Yous hope hatred might anytime replace the pain, merely it never goes away. It makes a human hideous, inside and out. Wouldn't y'all agree? We both are demons. Our humanity won't return. You. Me. We've no place to run, nowhere to hide. And that's why I'll show y'all my demon. "
―Skull Face [src]

Skull Face was the heavily scarred commander of the paramilitary unit XOF. He secretly commanded XOF from the 1960s upwards until his death in 1984, at showtime interim as a covert ally of Naked Snake during the Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater, and later on every bit Cipher's aristocracy strike strength until he finally took control of the organization away from Zip. Skull Confront also created the Parasite Unit, a group of parasite-enhanced super soldiers that would deed equally his chief enforcers and high-level operatives for XOF during the 1980s. He suffered extensive injuries in his youth which caused his characteristic facial scars, burns, and discolorations (most notably a Glasgow grinning).


  • 1 Biography
    • i.1 Early life
    • 1.ii Ground Zeroes Incident
    • i.3 Hostile Takeover
    • 1.4 Phantom Pain Incident
  • ii Personality and traits
  • three Behind the scenes
  • 4 Appearances
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Notes and references


Early on life

Skull Face was born to ii rural factory workers in a modest village in northern Transylvania that would be restored to Hungarian rule during World War II. Since birth, he was forced to prefer various languages due to Hungary existence dominated by various countries during his life, specifically Nazi Germany during World War II and later the Soviet Marriage during the Cold War. His childhood was interrupted when the grapeseed oil factory located in Almásfüzitő where he and his parents were working at the time was bombed by Allied forces during Globe War 2, nether the correct suspicion that it doubled up as a weapons manufacturing site. Skull Face up was trampled in the backwash by a mob of civilians rushing to escape, and sustained significant injuries during the chaos, including being doused in humid oil. His medical status was critical; a nurse treating his wounds in an hospital remarked that he ought to be euthanized. He was left with dramatic deformities and nerve damage; conditions which were exacerbated when he was tortured past strange hands later in life.[2]

As a swain, he fabricated his living as a spymaster and assassin in the Soviet Wedlock, although he spent much of his time killing various people via methods that would bespeak against murder; many of his targets beingness those he harbored vengeance against for taking away his ability to speak his native tongue. One of his targets was the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, whom he murdered via one of his MOs behind locked doors past making it seem as though he had suffered from a stroke. He later defected to the West, eventually joining the SAS; it was hither where he met his hereafter superior, Major David Oh. Impressed with Skull Face's skills as an assassin and armed forces tactician, the Major promoted Skull Face to be his XO.

After Major Oh had resigned from the SAS to join the CIA, Skull Face remained as one of their aristocracy field operatives until the early 1960s when he was contacted past his former commanding officeholder, who offered Skull Face to become the commander of the covert CIA unit XOF. XOF was created equally an unconventional support team to its fellow CIA unit of measurement Fob to assist make it stronger and to provide support to its operatives, with Skull Face giving the orders. His first mission every bit XOF's commander was the Virtuous Mission, where he and a team of XOF operatives were to covertly follow, assist, and make clean up after Fob operative Naked Snake equally well as to go along runway of his mission status, completely unbeknownst to the latter. After the Virtuous Mission was considered a failure, Major Nada was later given the green light to embark Operation Ophidian Eater. Needing insurance that the mission would be a success at all cost, Skull Face and a team of XOF operatives were once more secretly deployed by Major Null to Tselinoyarsk to provide covert support for Naked Ophidian.

Afterward the mission proved successful, Skull Face and his unit of measurement continued to act as a back up unit of measurement for all Pull a fast one on operations until 1970 when Play a trick on was disbanded, although Major Zero had offered Skull Face and XOF to bring together his own private arrangement, Cipher, where the unit was reformed into Zero's personal covert strike force, utilizing their stealth training while making certain that they were never at that place. Skull Confront, at present one of Nothing's most trusted operatives, was given certain freedoms in becoming the Major'southward personal enforcer, allowing him to independently run XOF as he saw fit and pursue whatever projects he constitute interest in every bit long as he ran it by Goose egg first. While most of Nada'south operatives were given their missions via proxy, Skull Face received his missions directly from Cipher over a private, secure telephone line that was designed to keep their conversations private. It was also designed to be untraceable as a precaution in case Skull Face up intended to beguile the Major.

Although he hated both Major Zero and Snake, Skull Face notwithstanding enjoyed his position in XOF immensely. At some indicate, he met with Code Talker, a Diné biologist who had been studying a uranium-metabolizing strain of archaea for nuclear irradiation clean-up and was in deep need of funding. Using some of XOF's resources without the permission of Zero, Skull Face funded Code Talker's enquiry and forced him to focus on the archaea's potential equally nuclear weaponry instead, threatening to wipe out the Navajo if he did non submit. Skull Confront too discovered Lawmaking Talker'southward research into the mysterious vocal cord parasites, this time relaying it to Zero for further assay, although in Zero's hands information technology did not become very far, simply being used as a exam case for reverse evolution experiments. At some point, Skull Face himself procured some of the parasitic bugs for later use, which would cause various gruesome symptoms including an irreversible turn down of the host's cognitive systems.

Ground Zeroes Incident

Principal article: Ground Zeroes Incident

At some point later on the Peace Walker Incident in 1974, Skull Face and XOF took command of a U.Due south. naval base named Camp Omega Cuba using forged CIA credentials, turning it into a "black site." During this time, he claimed XOF was a CIA unit, although the grouping didn't reply to Langley.[3] On one occasion, Skull Face up relayed his personal history to a prisoner that he attempted to recruit to his side, though the prisoner ended up dying from the torture he inflicted on him.[2]

He also ended upward interrogating an MSF Intel Team amanuensis, fifty-fifty quoting briefly Large Boss'due south line nigh hurting "getting the better of us," when trying to get him to talk. Although the prisoner never divulged any data, Skull Face up nonetheless came very close to breaking him, closer than the other interrogators of various agencies at the base.[iv]

Side Ops information ends here.

Skull Face eventually learned that the Cipher spy Paz Ortega Andrade had survived her encounter with Big Boss as she had been rescued past a Belizean fisherman. Seeing it as the perfect opportunity to strike against Zero, Skull Face captured Paz as she was the only one of his operatives to come across him confront to confront always since Nix had gone into hiding since working on the "grand experiment." Needing to interrogate her without Aught ever knowing, Skull Face had her imprisoned at the U.S. facility, with the intention of breaking her to reveal Zero'south location. Claiming to exist acting under Nada'south orders, he proceeded to viciously torture her for Zero's location, constantly pushing her physical and mental limits, although she showed a surprising defiance to his methods. Later, the XOF had captured the child soldier Chico, who was trying to rescue Paz from the base. Knowing the young boy'due south association with Big Boss' mercenary group Militaires Sans Frontières (MSF), Skull Face up saw it as the perfect opportunity to kill two birds (Large Dominate and Null) with one rock and began to torture Chico equally well. He made Chico scout while Paz's rape was existence carried out, even tasking the male child to have sexual activity with her and participate in the abuse himself until Chico eventually broke and exposed central details on MSF's Mother Base and Metal Gear ZEKE. Eventually, Skull Confront confronted Paz in private and, later explaining his motives and inferring his willingness to aid Big Boss to fulfill his goal, he got her to reveal Zero'due south location.[5] Anticipating that Big Boss would come to rescue the 2 prisoners, Skull face had Paz implanted with two bombs, one in her abdomen to catch Large Boss' attending and throw him off guard, and another "in a place [MSF]'d never await," as his ace in the hole. Afterwards being debriefed virtually the successful rigging of bombs on Mother Base of operations's struts by an "accelerate team," he besides ordered for the XOF personnel to make copies of Chico's recordings, every bit he wanted to make sure Large Boss listened to them.[vi]

On March fifteen, Skull Confront visited Chico at the Omega Base prison camp to inform him that Paz had revealed everything he needed to know, likewise claiming to accept kept a promise past giving her a merciful decease. After receiving the Intel he needed to destroy Big Dominate, Skull Face proceeded to catechumen the black site into a staging area for his attack on Mother Base. Equally he arrived at the campsite, the baby-sit dogs stationed at the campsite barked viciously at him, as they sensed him equally an enemy. He and then told Chico that he should give his regards to Large Boss, and asked him how it felt to "play the traitor." Skull Face then headed to a heliport with several other XOF soldiers, removing the XOF logo on his chopper later he arrived, then notified his forces that the "Trojan horse" was in, and that the pirate crackdown was "a become." After lifting off, Skull Face ordered his men to remove the XOF patches from their uniforms and paw them to another soldier, who then threw them outside to the basis beneath. He proceeded towards Mother Base, where he detonated covertly placed C4 on the facilities struts and commenced the Trojan Horse operation. Coordinating the set on from a chopper, Skull Face up proceeded to the control tower where he encountered Huey Emmerich. Offering the scientist a way out, both of them escaped Mother Base by helicopter and headed for Afghanistan. True to his predictions, Big Dominate proceeded to rescue Chico and Paz, and he as well failed to discover the second bomb, although Paz threw herself out of the chopper at the last minute.

Hostile Takeover

Skull Face was quickly exiled to Africa and was stripped of his political power for his part in the events only remained equally Goose egg'due south XO and as the commander of XOF, being allowed to operate solely in Africa as he saw fit. He eventually decided that it was time to strike confronting Zero and remove him from power. Skull Face managed to use the information he gained from Paz to discover Goose egg, who was holed upwards in hiding in a Cipher-controlled flat building in Hell's Kitchen, New York. The building was entirely occupied by covert Cipher agents who had only ane directive, to protect Nada at all costs. To brand things more difficult, Cypher himself resided in a penthouse that lacked any windows or doors and was only accessible through a subconscious elevator somewhere in the edifice. With little chance of taking out Nix directly, Skull Confront decided that the best way to eliminate his old commander was to use the element of surprise.

Having obtained a pin bluecoat which held significant importance to Goose egg and The Boss during their time in SAS, Skull Face laced a copy of the parasite strain into a imitation pin badge that resembled the i he establish on The Boss and sent it to Zero as a gesture of expert religion. In 1976, Skull Face contacted Naught over a secure phone line and discussed the value of the vocal string parasites in an attempt to show their value to Nothing. Zero dismissed them as inferior to the visions of FOXDIE he had planned, angering Skull Face. He encouraged Zero to open and examine his "gift" knowing that the latter would prick and infect himself with the parasites, which would gradually render him an invalid, every bit the quondam's hatred was such that he wasn't content with only killing his sometime commanding officer. Zero began to thrash and writhe wildly in hurting, much to Skull Face'south entertainment who delivered the final blow by revealing to Zero that the pin badge he received was a simulated. Skull Face himself was infected with several of the same bugs inside his vocal cord, forcing him to find a cure for his infection to no avail. He was afterward manipulated by Code Talker into undergoing experimental radiation therapy, the latter hiding from him that at that place was a far simpler cure in the course of the bacteria.

After Zippo was taken care of, Skull Confront proceeded to have control of the bulk of Cipher'south resource and operations and absorbed them into XOF. What remained of Naught was left under the command of Donald Anderson at the request of Zero, who could no longer lead the organization due to his declining health and mental state. Anderson used what remained of Cipher to develop the AI program that would eventually take over the Patriots.

Phantom Pain Incident

See also: Infirmary Escape and Phantom Hurting Incident

In 1984, Skull Face up learned that Nada had placed the comatose Big Boss in a British military hospital in Republic of cyprus a few months later on the Trojan Horse functioning that destroyed Female parent Base. Seeing information technology as the perfect opportunity, Skull Face ordered XOF forces, which included elite XOF assassin Quiet, to eliminate Large Dominate and anybody else present at the hospital. While the mission was a failure, Skull Face had succeeded in covering his tracks and managed to gain command over Tretij Rebenok and the Man on Fire when they sensed his burning desire for revenge and became attracted to it.

Skull Confront and Venom Snake run across for the starting time time.

When Venom Ophidian recovered the Beloved Bee from the caves of Da Smasei Laman before the Soviets could locate information technology, Skull Face captured Venom Snake using the arm of Sahelanthropus, briefly taunting him nigh having survived the assault nine years ago before having the giant's fist release him. Skull Face up then mounted the Sahelanthropus's hand like a platform and departed into the mist, leaving Venom Snake to battle a grouping of the Parasite Unit. Venom Ophidian would escape and return to Female parent Base of operations.

Skull Confront later personally observed the finishing touches to Sahelanthropus at the Serak Power Plant with Huey Emmerich nearby. They entered a brief squabble, where Huey insisted they await until the AI was finalized. Skull Face decided against it because that was the mistake Hot Coldman made x years prior. He then learned from one of his soldiers that Huey had made contact with Venom Serpent, causing him to deduce that Huey intended to defect from XOF to Diamond Dogs. Enraged past this revelation, Skull Confront mirrored Coldman's actions a decade earlier, shoving Huey down the stairs while declaring that he intended to take his legs back. He then inferred he'd permit Venom Snake accept him anticipating full well that Diamond Dogs intended to verbal revenge on Huey for his function in the Mother Base of operations set on. Although he wanted to impale him, he decided to go along Huey live a little while longer, as he withal had some use for drawing out Venom Snake, knowing full well he was nearly likely nearby. True to his suspicions, Venom Serpent had indeed tracked down Huey at the Soviets' Afghanistan Central Base Army camp. Just equally Venom Snake was about to extract Huey, Skull Confront revealed that Sahelanthropus was fully operational, communicable even Huey off-baby-sit. He then departed on an XOF chopper to let Sahelanthropus and Tretij Rebenok (who was piloting it remotely via his psychic powers) to assault Venom Snake and Huey.

Skull Face and Venom Snake meet again at "The Devil'due south House."

Skull Face up afterwards re-encountered Venom Snake (who was trying to rescue an African child soldier unit leader named Shabani) at the Ngumba Industrial Zone shortly after executing ane of the examination subjects, and decided to burn down the facility via Tretij Rebenok and the "Man on Fire", intending for Venom Snake to die in the flames. Venom Snake ultimately escaped with his life, although Shabani and the other test subjects were not as lucky.

Skull Face then intended to kill Lawmaking Talker, seeing no more use for him anymore, although Diamond Dogs ultimately succeeded in rescuing him. Anticipating that Venom Snake and the Diamond Dogs would locate Sahelanthropus as well equally himself, he and so waited for Venom Serpent's arrival. Afterwards Venom Ophidian arrived at his helipad, he so commented on how they were both demons, before ordering for his men to stand down. He then had Venom Snake follow him to the hangar Sahelanthropus was at: eventually boarding a jeep and riding with Venom Snake in the back to the stretch of road leading to the hangar. During the trek, Skull Face elaborated on his history with Zero and Snake, besides equally his motives and his past. He and so claimed that silencing the world was in fact what The Boss wanted. He revealed that he had deduced Zero's plan to have the AIs dominion the Patriots in his place, and attempted to use Walker Gear to indefinitely eliminate his "employers", and ensure the globe ran through chaos by eliminating the English language language. Later on, Venom Snake and Skull Face arrived at a hangar containing Sahelanthropus. He and so attempted to take the Man on Burn fight Venom Snake. During this time, Skull Face hinted at the Man on Burn's true identity and groundwork, too every bit his connection to Ophidian.

Skull Face celebrating while about to be stomped by Sahelanthropus.

However, just as his plan was to come to fruition, Sahelanthropus activated prematurely due to Tretij Rebenok turning on XOF in favor of allying himself with Eli, who was stationed within a Diamond Dogs helicopter. Skull Face was caught off-guard, enraged that someone had more of a lust for revenge than even he. He was so stunned and shocked past the revelation that he had to be physically dragged away by 2 of his men in gild for him to evacuate the premises, all the while enervating to know whose hatred it was that was causing Tretij Rebenok to defy his orders.[8] Frustrated, he then had his forces try to stop Sahelanthropus with very limited success. Seeing the damage wrought, he realized Zero might have ultimately succeeded in his plans, although he was still confident that his plans would usurp Zero'due south in the near future.

The end of Skull Face.

Raving over the prospect of Sahelanthropus'due south influence unto the future, Skull Confront was attacked by the Metal Gear, resulting in him beingness crushed under scaffolding.[ix] Afterwards defeating Sahelanthropus, Venom Snake and Miller exact revenge against Skull Confront for his function in the destruction of MSF, every bit well as the injuries he inflicted on them; past shooting him several times with his own gun, detaching his left leg and right arm, before leaving him to die in a agonized death as he begged to be killed (also making sure he could not attain for his gun by discarding it and pointing the barrel abroad from Skull Face). However, Huey ultimately killed Skull Face by shooting him in the head before long thereafter, with Skull Confront immediately beforehand begging for Huey to evangelize the coup de grace.

After, while Diamond Dogs were moving in Sahelanthropus, Venom Snake saw a phantom of Skull Confront, a ghostly reminder that though they had lost their object of revenge, Diamond Dogs were still experiencing a phantom pain.

Personality and traits

"Y'all hope hatred might someday replace the pain, only it never goes away. It makes a man hideous, inside and out."
―Skull Face

A former black ops amanuensis-turned-commander, Skull Face was a roughshod private who revered the ability of language and sought revenge for the loss of his cultural identity. Information technology is implied that his views on language stemmed from his forced servitude to the Nazis and the Soviets where they forced him to adopt new languages, High german and Russian instead of his native Hungarian. Because of his cruel upbringing, he was shown to exist extremely nihilistic, understanding promise only in the sense of information technology existence a survival skill and otherwise non viewing it as important. He admitted that his motives to kill Zero and Big Boss weren't due to hatred, but merely considering it's what nature demanded. In this regard, he viewed himself as a liberator who would rid the world of infestation by plotting the eradication of the English linguistic communication through the use of parasites that could target and impale those who spoke the words of said linguistic communication. He seemed to greatly respect The Boss due to his program being inspired from her sacrifice, in which he cited that she wanted "to let the world be". Specifically, Skull Face believed that enacting his plan was equal to fulfilling The Boss' volition, by literally reverting different cultures to their own original language. Having lived across his seeming decease equally a victim of war, Skull Face was subjected to parasite therapy, in which it essentially prolonged his vitality and figuratively turned him into a living dead.

Despite his extremely cruel nature, he was nonetheless a very charismatic individual. This charisma is all-time demonstrated in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, where his XOF troops intended to gun down Venom Snake when he approached the chopper that Skull Face was most to depart from and shield Skull Face up, but to be subtly ordered by Skull Face to lower their weapons, as well as when Sahelanthropus was prematurely activated, where several XOF soldiers physically dragged him out to safety and formed a guard to the front end of him to escort him out when he was unable to bring himself to evacuate due to his shock at Sahelanthropus's activation.

Afterward executing a test subject at the Devil Business firm, he seemed to have his lid off and show respect to the test discipline he had just killed. This suggests that he did have empathy to a certain caste.

A master of interrogation, Skull Face was known to torture his victims on both a physical and psychological level and was willing to do anything it took to interruption them. He even went so far as to torture children to get information that would benefit his interests, such as when he tortured Chico to learn the locations of Mother Base of operations. Skull Face used a variety of methods in order to brand his victims talk, which included severe beatings, rape, mental manipulation, and even using simple objects similar a small bell or playing music. Skull Face up was shown to be extremely ruthless and sadistic in his methods, going to corking lengths to attain his goals. He tortured both Paz and Chico both mentally and physically, fifty-fifty resorting to ordering i of his soldiers to rape Paz in forepart of Chico to get the data he wanted. He fifty-fifty forced Chico himself to have intercourse with Paz to prove that he was a man, showing that he was a sexual sadist, although he didn't straight participate in the human action; he merely ordered others to do it for him. Fifty-fifty later on getting the information he wanted out of Chico and Paz, Skull Face still tortured them stating, "nosotros're half way there." During his interrogations and torturing with Paz, he would play the 1971 song "Here's to Y'all" by Joan Baez, out loud.

Although he had a high success rate of interrogating prisoners for data, he was not always successful which was best demonstrated with his interrogation of an MSF Intel Team agent, where despite not getting any information on Big Dominate, the prisoner admitted that of the interrogators at the base of operations, Skull Face came the closest to breaking him.[4]

Side Ops information ends here.

He was highly skilled in the art of mental manipulation during interrogations, such as when he tricked Paz into giving up Nothing's location by implying that it would salvage Big Boss, only to tell her that the bicycle of vengeance must continue and that Large Boss, whether he knew it or not, was a part of that bike. Some other instance of this was when he interrogated Code Talker so that he could observe a cure for the Parasitic worm past explaining that every time he rang the bell he brought into the room, the soldier posted exterior would laissez passer on a message to some other soldier to infect one of the villagers of Code Talker'due south tribe with the parasite. Subsequently ringing the bell several times, Lawmaking Talker finally submitted, only to discover at that place was never whatsoever soldier to begin with. He also successfully manipulated Nada into infecting himself with the parasite strain by stealing a lapel pin from Layforce that had a personal connexion to The Boss and himself too as sending it back to Aught as a gesture of good faith.

He was a very skilled assassinator, pulling off various bump-off attempts and even had multiple MOs to disguise the death. At least ane of his MOs involved killing people backside closed doors and then making it seem as though the people died via cerebral hemorrhages/strokes, as evidenced by how he had dispatched Josef Stalin. He and his XOF unit were chosen as covert backup for Naked Snake during the Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater every bit they had been trained in advanced stealth tactics and reconassence, being able to operate and adjust in multiple environments and conditions without e'er beingness seen or heard, making them valuable avails to Zilch.

Skull Face was a vivid strategist, as he manipulated both the MSF and his two prisoners into playing into his easily, foreseeing that Big Boss would come up rescue them. Seeing it every bit an opportunity to become rid of the legendary mercenary, Skull Face up had his men surgically implant two bombs into Paz's body, the commencement i to catch Big Boss's attending and throw him off guard, and the second ane as his ace in the pigsty. It was likewise heavily implied that he deliberately had the Skulls spare Miller and manus him over to the Soviets to torture him specifically to draw Large Boss out. In addition, he besides had enough foresight and cognition into events of the by to know which kind of strategic blunders to avoid, as evidenced by his refusing Huey'south suggestion to include the AI onto Sahelanthropus, specifically citing equally his reason that it was the mistake Hot Coldman made. Despite his nature, he attempted to implore a previous prisoner to bring together his side and live for revenge, though the prisoner ended up dying. He besides told one of his soldiers that Paz needed to recover from the torture, although only considering he needed her alive. During a torture session, he told a soldier to stop whipping Paz because she was no good to him dead.

Skull Face admitted to dwelling "in the nighttime" but refused to exist judged by Huey Emmerich's "standards," showing that Huey's treachery disgusted even Skull Face. Despite this, however, he did ultimately spend his final moments begging for Huey to kill him when Miller and Venom Snake opted to leave him to die, with Huey "obliging" his asking.

Skull Face always wore a trench coat and a ten-gallon chapeau and carried a sawed off lever-action rifle.[10] In 1984, he was seen wearing a domino mask, although this ended upwardly forcibly removed from his face at the time of his death due to Venom Snake and Miller's brutal deportment of revenge against him.

Because of his origins in Hungary, he also knew Hungarian, although he acknowledged that he was unable to hear his own language due to the Nazi and Soviet occupations of his country forcibly replacing the language. He ultimately was forced to no longer speak his own language after 1975 due to existence infected with the parasites, including a Hungarian-strain, which made him more drastic to observe someone, Code Talker, to aid him in developing the parasites. When Code Talker deduced his motivations for forcing him to work on the parasite, Skull Face also got extremely aroused. Despite being infected, he did briefly speak Hungarian when he was almost to execute one of the test subjects shortly before discovering Venom Snake's presence in the Devil's Business firm.

Behind the scenes

Skull Face appears in Metallic Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid Five: The Phantom Hurting as the main antagonist. He is described as "A Ghost without a By." He was first revealed, albeit unidentified, in the PAX Prime number 2012 demo for Ground Zeroes, and briefly in the GDC 2013 trailer announcing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Hurting, which was early thought to comprise both Ground Zeroes, and The Phantom Pain.

Skull Confront as depicted in the E3 2013 Trailer

The XOF commander'south name was supposedly revealed to be Albatross in an article posted by a game tester, regarding a private demo of Ground Zeroes by Hideo Kojima in May 2013, for the video game website Gamasutra. The article was deleted shortly thereafter.[11] However, the E3 2013 trailer afterward revealed that the XOF commander'due south proper noun was really Skull Face.[12]

In the English language version of Footing Zeroes, James Horan provided Skull Face's phonation, while Takaya Hashi provided his Japanese vocalism.

In a tweet, Kojima compared Skull Face with the Batman villain Clayface.[xiii] In some other series of tweets, Kojima admitted that he considered including Skull Face on the overseas cover for Ground Zeroes, but decided against information technology due to it being too horrifying, and considering it reminded him too much of the film Enemy Mine.[14]

In an interview with Famitsu in November 2012, Kojima revealed that Skull Face was originally going to be chosen "Scarface."

In a commentary for the opening scenes of Ground Zeroes on IGN, Kojima explained that he had the dogs bark at Skull Face every bit if he were enemy personnel to emphasize that Skull Confront was different from the other personnel.

In the E3 2014 trailer for The Phantom Hurting, Skull Face is shown leading Big Dominate to a hangar with Metal Gear within.

During a Q&A session at Gamescom 2014, Kojima described Skull Face as somewhat inhuman, stating that "he'due south not just a apparently old bad guy: his face has been stripped off, revealing his skull. This 'skull face' represents the human side that he lost."

During Chico'south 5th cassette tape in Footing Zeroes, at 00:35, Skull Face up says "Vigyétek a ketrecébe!" which is Hungarian for "Take him to his cage!"

In the cutscene depicting Skull Face up'southward demise, the thespian can choose whether to human action on shooting Skull Face in revenge or waiting until the scene transitions to Miller aiding Venom Snake in shooting him. If the one-time, it volition depict Venom Serpent shooting him three times in the chest while flashing back to his appearance during the events of the Hospital Raid, hinting he shot him in revenge for sending Quiet and XOF to try and kill him at the infirmary. On a like notation, but before Sahelanthropus flings scaffolding at Skull Confront, the latter proceeds to say "Major... I'm burning up!"[15] This was a subtle reference to Space Oddity by David Bowie.

Some elements of his character were leaked in an Italian game guide for the game.

With Skull Face's on-screen time clocking in at virtually thirty minutes, spanning both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain, some fans have been critical about this, considering the length of the latter.

According to Hideo Kojima's notes in the Piggyback Collector'due south Edition Guide'southward art gallery, Skull Confront's function is that, while he is indeed the story's villain and antagonist, his graphic symbol is not simply about Good and Evil: He has lost something, which results in him suffering from the phantom pain. He as well states that his absence will leave the player with a sense of lasting phantom hurting. He likewise explains in the aforementioned source that the reason he doesn't have a standard boss boxing is to further promote the theme of a concatenation of revenge, a phantom pain, the continuous chain that 1 experiences when a target of vengeance is gone, something that would non have been possible via a standard boss fight, dissimilar most stories where skilful vs. evil encounters are given in Hollywood movies to satisfy the audience.

Art from the concept art volume shows what his face up looked similar earlier his burns.

If the player replays the mission "Skull Face" later on completing "Truth: The Man Who Sold the Globe", although the speech communication Skull Face gave to Big Boss is the aforementioned, the subtitles volition add quotation marks around "Big Boss".


  • Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
  • Metallic Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


Notes and references

  1. ^ Metal Gear Solid 5: Footing Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    This is strongly unsaid in Chico Tape 5: When telling his soldiers to take Chico to his cage after Chico protested during an interrogation of Paz, he says to his soldiers "Vigyétek a ketrecébe," which is Hungarian for "Take him back to his cage." In add-on, his backstory given in his motives record, strongly resembles an actual event that occurred in 1944 in Hungary, where a small village with oil refineries and factories named Almásfüzitő was bombed repeatedly during the year as part of the Oil Campaign of World War II, and like to both several spies claims and Skull Confront'south ain access, was likewise a military outpost. This was later on confirmed in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain courtesy of a conference file provided past Ocelot.
  2. ^ a b Metallic Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Conference files > Acquired Tapes > Agent's Recording > Secretly Recorded Pow Interrogation
    (waterboarding is heard, so shuffling them prisoner back to the banality room prison cell. A man is heard driving in) // Skull Face: I needed this place, to listen to the words people have to say. That's something they could never understand. (the homo, Skull Face, then walks upwardly to the prisoner, who is groaning in agony) You've washed your office. You told united states of america enough. Y'all've known the hurting of ages. And even at present you think, equally any person would, that this tin't be happening. Is it instruction? Morals, religion? Merely an imprint of a lifetime of stories? Face to face with oblivion, which is where you are, and you still recall that help is coming. The globe you were built-in into is made to save you. Isn't that right? Of course it is. Everyone knows that. Until your last jiff, you know it. Without the slightest run a risk or reason left to them, humans are capable of promise. I'm no different. But for one thing. When my time came calling I didn't die. My family died, my country died, just they didn't accept me with them. All Hell took from me was this skin, this outer skin that marked me "human being." My hamlet had an oilseed field and a fine factory. Every day my friends and I would see our parents at work in that factory. That's all I had. All the world I knew. Then one day, aircraft came dawdling in from some furthermost sky. The manufactory was bombed. Some... "spies" had told them we were making weapons. The building burned. Nosotros tried to flee outside. The crowd blocked the exit. The oversupply of people. Hot. So hot. I tried to push through their legs and become ahead, simply a boot in my stomach put me on the ground. The smoke of them burning filled me up. I heard my name called... but not for long. At the infirmary they carried me to, a nurse in the corner saw me and remarked, as if information technology happened every twenty-four hour period: "They should let the poor matter die." Those are the just words of my mother tongue I remember. It was the language of my village. Until foreign troops invaded. And then the last identity I had left - the words I spoke - were pulled from me. My peel would never feel annihilation once again. This face would be burned again, in torture, at foreign hands, but I, I still writhe in that burning factory. Doused in scalding rapeseed oil. That's all I take to feel, that pain - all I take to remind me I exist here. (chuckles) Those "spies" reported well. We made weapons all right. Every bit cartloads of rifles came in from the battlefields, we fixed them up and sent them dorsum out. So our land could win. Or rather, so that little world we knew could proceed. I came to realize I mustn't die. I'1000 their last promise, all those who perished and left me here. I take to attain something. If I don't, their will will exist swept out of this earth. (Skull Face proceeds to grab the prisoner) And then? Do you see me now? Tell me. What exercise y'all run across? Hmm? You have eyes. What do your optics see? (chuckles) Yep, that'due south right. You lot see a skull face. You run across me. This skull is who I am. My mark, my proof of humanity. I take no state, no language, I have no face, only I oasis't lost my skull. So I told myself... The pain and effort that keep me alive will never know relief, never bear fruit, never be repaid. I know that, but I told myself to focus on some promise, a nonexistent hope to guide me through this burning world. A hope - telephone call it a dream. A melancholic delusion. As the pressures within me stretch me to bursting, and I force myself non to cry out, though the words I idea were carved into me are gone, and all I knew is expressionless. I know how you feel. I've felt that. And so show me. That I'm not the only one. That you too tin can return to this world, for revenge. Do y'all see me? Don't die. Don't dice! (Ahh...)
  3. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: Footing Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    An undercover agent uncovered that they never actually answered to Langley, and informed Big Boss equally much.
  4. ^ a b Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014)
    Prisoner 12282: Boss… I never expected you would come up… This identify is full of "enemy combatants" renditioned from all over the globe. But I couldn't believe how many groups were asking the questions. They gotta have some kind of secret agreement. At a gauge, I'd say there were MI6, BND, ISI… I even heard one guy speaking Russian. Yeah, they're making deals with the East too. Local agencies will snatch dissidents who've defected to the West and so ship 'em dorsum across the Iron Curtain… subsequently a stopover hither. They're dealing in "leverage" on foreign administrations. Backstairs coin. Scandals. Financial fraud. By sharing information that governments want to sweep under the carpet, they, they gain leniency for their agencies. They're trying to create some kind of HUMINT network without borders. Sorry, that's all I know. Can't believe I got captured... I should take known I wasn't upwards to your standard... The torture was... was beyond anything I always imagined. They were breaking guys left and right... I came pretty close besides. Just don't worry, Boss. I, I didn't tell them a matter. Simply... simply i fourth dimension... I was questioned by this other guy. He was different from the rest. I'll never forget him... or what he said. It cutting correct into me. "Nothing to be ashamed of. Hurting gets the better of u.s.a. all." "Let the words condolement you." "Now what did your boss tell y'all?" I nearly talked. This guy was and so... so weird. I know I saw his face. I just... I can't remember it... The administration here knew most the operation. There was a leak. The brass are long gone. All that'south left are the grunts kept out of the loop and us "enemy combatants"... Dunno why they left witnesses like us here live. Mind if nosotros stop a minute, Boss? I gotta residuum. Let'due south get outta hither. I wanna go home. Our dwelling...
  5. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: Basis Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Skull Face: Cipher [Zero] has been in hiding ever since his grand experiment. No one has seen him in years... All nosotros hear are orders delivered past proxy..... Except you [Paz]. You met with him, face up to face, in club to contact Big Boss. Tell me where he is. Where is Cipher...... Where is Zero...... // (voice of a female in pain while Skull Face is talking) // Skull Confront: I've never known selection. Where I was built-in, the language I speak, I've never had the freedom to choose for myself. But you, right now, are free. Do every bit you will. // Paz Ortega Andrade: This will salve Big Dominate? // Skull Face: Information technology may. Paz: Will yous really kill Zero for me? // Skull Face: Not for y'all // Paz: Alright.... Cypher is......
  6. ^ Metal Gear Solid Five: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Acquired Tapes > Chico'southward Tapes > Chico's Tape vii - March xv, 1975: Bargaining with Paz (Final Recording):
    Skull Face: You [Paz] shall not see triumph. You've been nigh helpful. And I have one last use for you. To you I requite a magnificent stop... Merely an cease notwithstanding. The final moment is yours. // Soldier: We heard from the advance squad – everything's correct on schedule. The C4 has been planted on the legs [on Female parent Base]. Strike squad and decoy team are in position. And, nosotros have confirmation that Big Boss'[south] chopper has lifted off. // Skull Confront: A shame I won't see him. Only at to the lowest degree I'll get a look at his body. Time for us to move out, too... But first, allow'southward stop by and see the boy [Chico]. I want Large Boss to hear his trivial diary. Hopefully he's all the same a good listener. Give this [Walkman] to the boy as a reward...and a memento. Make copies [of the tapes]. // Soldier: Aye, sir. // Skull Face: First Big Dominate, so Goose egg. Liberation is at hand.
  7. ^ Metal Gear Solid Five: The Phantom Hurting, Kojima Productions (2015).
    Skull Face: (attempting to command Homo on Burn to halt) Await...! // (Man on Burn explodes offscreen due to existence crushed under Sahelanthropus's platform, an XOF soldier gets crushed under pes by Sahelanthropus as several soldiers fire at the mech) // Skull Confront: Wait... Who is doing this? // (XOF reinforcements run in, with two soldiers grabbing Skull Face by each side and dragging him away while two soldier dorsum away guarding him from the front) //Skull Face: Such a lust for revenge... Who?! // (Skull Confront and the soldiers disappear offscreen)
  8. ^ Metallic Gear Solid V: The Phantom Hurting, Kojima Productions (2015).
    Skull Face: Cipher volition rewrite the records... and I volition vanish from homo retention. Only... The thirst for revenge I have planted will infest the organization. No one can end it now. Sahelanthropus will unleash that thirst unto the future. Major [Cipher]... I'k called-for upwards! // (Sahelanthropus proceeds to kicking a downed tower correct into Skull Face up)
  9. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Marine i: (Hey) You lot see that costume political party those guys saluted to? // Marine 2: Aye... Trench coat, and a ten gallon hat, and to superlative it off, that slice he'south conveying is a sawed off old lever-action. Their CO'south got mode... for a bad guy in a western. // Marine 1: Nah human, he'southward just a Republican. // Marine 2: (And) Either fashion, he didn't look like no soldier to me. // Marine 1: And his bodyguards are all special forces ball-busting heavy operators. Last time I saw that, I was reading a comic volume. // Marine 2: (Clicks tongue) I'chiliad gonna accept nightmares about this shit.
  10. ^
  11. ^ Metal Gear Solid 5: GAMEPLAY TRAILER! The Phantom Hurting Xbox I Footage! - YouTube
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  14. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Kojima Productions (2015).
    Skull Face: Goose egg will rewrite the records... and I will vanish from man retentiveness. Only... The thirst for revenge I have planted will infest the system. No one tin can stop it now. Sahelanthropus volition unleash that thirst unto the time to come. Major [Cipher]... I'grand called-for upward! // (Sahelanthropus proceeds to kick a downed tower right into Skull Face)


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