Tv Funny Moments Are We in Danger

Someone had to have the last piece of meatloaf.

Funny moments in The Incredibles.

  • Some of the supers' statements during the interviews at the beginning of the film are pretty entertaining, but this one in particular stands out:

    Mr. Incredible: No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, y'know? For a little bit? I feel like the maid: "I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes?!"

    Interviewer: (chuckling) I can get behind that point!

  • When Mr. Incredible realizes he's going to be getting the old lady's cat out of the tree while simultaneously stopping a group of armed bank robbers.
    • Mr. Incredible attempts to get the cat down by totally uprooting the tree and shaking it till the cat lets go. The cat, being a cat, is rather unwilling to let go of the tree, despite Mr. Incredible's best efforts. We hear his annoyance of the situation as the high speed chase appears in view.

      Mr. Incredible: (whispering) Let go now!

    • When the cat finally lets go, he is also able to stop the high speed chase... with the tree.
    • Mr. Incredible's acknowledgement of the people (and cat) he just helped in the opening:

      Mr. Incredible: Officers, ma'am...(voice drops about an octave) Squeaker.

  • Mr. Incredible ejecting Buddy from his car.
  • Elastigirl's introduction: Mr. Incredible confronts a mugger on a building roof. The mugger nervously pulls out a gun, only to get punched out by Elastigirl from behind a corner. Later, the guy comes to when the two heroes are discussing gender roles:

    Mugger: Hey, look, the lady got me first- (Elastigirl punches him out again without even looking)

  • After the action opening sequence with Bomb Voyage:

    Police Officer: You mean he got away?
    Mr. Incredible: Yeah, Skippy here made sure of that.
    Buddy: Incrediboy!

    • The Gratuitous French:

      Bomb Voyage: Et ton costume est complètement ridicule! (Translation: And your costume is absolutely ridiculous!)

      • This is coming from a guy who robs banks while dressed as a mime.
    • "Bomb Voyage!" "Monsieur Incroyable!"
    • Even Michael Giacchino gets in on the fun: Bomb Voyage's entrance is marked by an ominous musical sting... played on an accordion.
    • According to Brad Bird, the villain was named Bomb Pérignon at one point. When they consulted with Moët et Chandon and asked for permission, the company didn't think it was a good idea.
  • When Bob's helping the little old lady to penetrate the bureaucracy, and she begins thanking him profusely:

    Bob: Shh! [Standing up;] I'M SORRY, MA'AM! I KNOW YOU'RE UPSET! [whispered, to her] Pretend to be upset.
    [The woman leaves his cubicle wailing melodramatically... and walks right past Mr. Huph, who doesn't notice her.]

  • Poor Bernie just can't convince the principal that Dash is guilty of putting thumbtacks on the teacher's chair, even with a hidden camera. And then throws an extremely childish tantrum when the Principal dismisses Dash, scot-free.

    Bernie: I don't know, I don't know how he does it, but there's no tack on my stool before he moves, and after he moves, there's a tack! Coincidence? I think NOT!
    Principal: (places his hand on Bernie's shoulder) Uh, Bernie...
    Bernie: (takes the Principal's hand off his shoulder) Don't "Bernie" me! THIS LITTLE RAT IS GUILTY!!!
    Principal: (resigned, apologetic) You and your son can go now, Mrs. Parr. Sorry for the trouble.
    Bernie: You're lettin' him go again?! He's guilty! You can see it on his smug little face! GUILTY, I SAY! GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY! NO!
    (Helen closes the door, blotting out his voice.)

  • Whatever you do, don't put your hands on the roof of your car. Especially when you have super-strength. And especially don't try to force the door shut after bending the door frame out of shape. Or get frustrated enough to pick up the whole car in a possible attempt to destroy it while a kid on a tricycle is watching.
    • Also funny is when you see in later scenes that the kid has begun to regularly watch their house when Bob returns home, wanting to see such moments again. He was there when Syndrome was killed and the plane blew up and destroyed their house.
  • The dinner scene pictured above is rife with these. What would be an unpleasant and tense family squabble is pushed over the line by said family's superpowers.
    • After Helen tries to calmly start talking about the fact that Dash was sent to the principal's office again, then explaining that he put a tack on the teacher's chair during class, Bob reacts by asking him how fast he was going with not-so-subtle enthusiasm. Then, while denying said enthusiasm after his wife berates him for it, he realizes a second too late that he wasn't paying attention and cut right through the dinner, the plate, and the table.

      Helen: Dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school?
      Dash: Uh... Well, we dissected a frog.
      Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.
      Bob: (not paying attention) Good, good.
      Helen: No, Bob, that's bad.
      Bob: What?
      Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.
      Bob: What?! What for?
      Dash: Nothing!
      Helen: He put a tack on the teacher's chair during class.
      Dash: Nobody saw me! You could barely even see it on the tape.
      Bob: He caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa! You must've been bookin'! How fast do you think you were going?
      Helen: Bob, we are not encouraging this!
      Bob: I'm not encouraging! I'm just asking how fast he was—
      Helen: Honey!
      (Shattering is heard. Bob looks down to see that he just sliced Dash's plate in half, with the knife stabbing through the table)
      Bob: Aww, great! First the car, now I gotta pay to fix the table!
      Helen: The car? What happened to the car?
      Bob: (scowling, he gets up from the table) Here. I'm gettin' a new plate.

    • Dash making comments about Violet's crush, and defending them like a little brother would.

      Violet: I'm not hungry for meatloaf.
      Helen: Well, it is leftover night. We have steak, pasta... What are you hungry for?
      Dash: (teasingly) Tony Rydinger.
      Violet: Shut up!
      Dash: Well, you are.
      Violet: I said shut up, you little insect!
      Dash: (To his mother) Well, she is!
      Helen: Do NOT shout at the table! Honey!
      Bob: (from the other room) Kids! Listen to your mother.
      Dash: (under his breath) She'd eat it if we were having Tony-loaf.
      Violet: THAT'S IT! (attacks Dash)

    • The ensuing superpowered quarrel, especially since the dialogue makes it clear that it's nothing new to them. Then, after the scene takes a quick break to cut to Bob in another room, we hear the sound of Helen completely done with the situation and her husband's lack of assistance. And when Bob comes back, he finds his children catfighting under the table, his wife pinned against the table because they've dragged her stretched-out arms underneath when she tried to restrain them, and said table pounding underneath her from all the chaos. The resulting dialogue couldn't have been delivered better.

      Helen: BOB! It's time to engage! DO SOMETHING! Don't just stand there! I need you to... intervene!
      Bob: You want me to intervene?! Okay! (lifts up the table) I'm intervening! I'M INTERVENING!

    • Bonus points for Jack-Jack taking the opportunity to bat playfully at his sibling's violently kicking legs, totally oblivious to the situation, thinking it's all just a fun game.
    • Then, just as the chaos reaches its climax, Lucius rings the doorbell. Everybody freezes in place for a moment, still a tangle of limbs, then almost instantly rearrange everything to appear normal and pleasant.

      Dash: [answers door] Hey, Lucius!
      Lucius: Hey, Speedo, Helen, Vi, Jack-Jack.
      Bob: Hey, hey! ICE of you to drop by.
      Lucius: [unenthusiastic] Ha! Never heard that one before.

    • And of course Dash decides to get Lucius to show off by spitting out some water for him to freeze.

    Dash: Awww! I like it when it shatters...

    • This exchange:

      Violet: The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he's not even toilet-trained!
      Dash: Lucky. (Helen and Violet give him an odd look) I mean, about being normal.

    • Not to mention the moment Jack-Jack breaks into laughter like Violet just told a funny joke after the "toilet-trained" line.
    • This scene caused actual squabbles amongst the Pixar staff, as the animators weren't keeping track of the positions of the food on the table from shot to shot. One of the meetings to address this issue degraded into a shouting match, and ended with one of the producers shouting, "Gentlemen, please! Can we get back to the issue of the gravy?" Hearing Brad Bird recount this story in the director commentary as the scene itself plays in the background is hilarious.
  • Bob and Lucius' Lampshading of the tendency of bad guys to monologue.

    Lucius: So now, I'm in deep trouble. I mean, one more jolt of this death ray, and I'm an epitaph. Somehow, I manage to find cover, and what does Baron von Ruthless do?
    Bob: (chuckles) He starts monologuing?
    Lucius: He starts monologuing!
    Bob: Yep! (laughs)
    Lucius: He starts, like, this prepared speech about how feeble I am compared to him, how inevitable my defeat is, how (makes dramatic hand gesture) "the world will soon be his"! Yadda yadda yadda.
    Bob: Yammering.
    Lucius: Yammering! I mean, the guy has me on a platter, and he won't shut up!

    • Which turns into a Brick Joke in a later scene between Mr. Incredible and Syndrome.

      Syndrome: See, now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works. Turns out there are a lot of people, whole countries, who want respect, and they'll pay through the nose to get it. How do you think I got rich? I invented weapons, and now I have a weapon only I can defeat and when I unleash it— [gets cut off as Mr. Incredible throws a tree trunk at him. He dodges and freezes Mr. Incredible in place.] You sly DOG! You got me monologuing, I can't believe... [chuckles]

  • Bob's sheer enthusiasm at rescuing people from a burning building.

    Lucius: (during an argument on doing secret hero work) It was fun at first, but if we keep doing this, we're gonna get c—
    (police scanner announces a fire)
    Bob: A fire... We're close! Yeah, baby!!
    Lucius: We're gonna get caught... (facepalms, places his foot on the gas and drives to the fire)
    Bob: (whoops and then laughs) FIRE! YEAH! YEEAAAHHH... (echos in the distance as the car drives off)

  • Bob's and Lucius' argument during the fire, after Frozone fails to convince him to go bowling instead of rescuing civilians — they sound like an old married couple:

    Bob: Can't you put this out?
    Lucius: I can't lay down a layer thick enough! It's evaporating too fast!
    Bob: What's that mean?
    Lucius: It means IT'S HOT! And I'm dehydrated, Bob!
    Bob: You're out of ice?! You can't run out of ice! I thought you could use the water in the air!
    Lucius: THERE IS NO WATER IN THIS AIR! What's your excuse, run out of muscle?!
    Bob: I can't just go smashing through walls! The building's getting weaker by the second! It's gonna come down on top of us!

    • After the rescue the two accidentally break into a jewelry store, while still wearing their ski masks.

      Lucius: We look like bad guys! INCOMPETENT bad guys!

      • Extra hilarious if you choose to read this as Frozone being more upset about the fact that it makes them look incompetent than the alternative.
      • The exchange between the police officer that finds them and Frozone also counts. The officer tries to order them to freeze as Frozone gets a drink of water to replenish his ice powers. The moment he finishes...freeze!
    • When Bob gets caught coming home late by Helen, he gets in a protective pose... while holding a slice of cake and have the chocolate around his mouth. It's hard not to laugh at this.
    • This exchange between Bob and Helen during their argument:

      Helen: I can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation.

      Helen: It's a ceremony.

      Bob: It's psychotic!

  • Nearly the entire conversation between Bob and Mr. Huph.

    Bob: Did I do something illegal?
    Huph: (through gritted teeth) Nnnnno...
    Bob: Are you saying that we shouldn't help our customers?
    Huph: The law requires that I answer 'no'...

    • In a display of literally superhuman self-control, it takes Huph being callously dismissive of and then openly mocking the victim of a mugging before Bob throws him through five walls and into a filing cabinet. He's several times the size of Huph, but it's still really cathartic (and hilarious). One of the commentaries talks about how the guy who animated it seemed to be working out an issue or two. And if you listen closely right after it cuts away from Bob's choke lift of the bastard, you can actually hear the muffled sounds of every individual wall he's being thrown through. Later it's shown that clearly no one cares what happened to him. The biggest concern is that Bob may've unintentionally outed himself as a super, not what he did to Huph. Even with people who don't have a memory wipe. Probably thought he had it coming.
    • Also from the DVD Commentary regarding Huph.

      Brad Bird: "And we've all met people like him. They seem to work in Middle Management. They give you these speeches about life—"
      John Walker: "And how you don't deserve to be in it."

    • Then, when Bob meets Mr. Dicker in the hospital (where Huph is in traction) they have this exchange:
  • When Bob receives Mirage's message to him and is informed it will not be repeated, he rushes for something to transcribe the contents of the message with. If you pay very close attention, you'll notice that the first "pen" he grabs is... a chisel.
    • She also mentions he'll get paid "triple his current annual salary". Bob's note on the matter is simply "BIG $" written bigger than any other note on the page. He does have a family to support and was just fired so it makes sense why the paycheck is such a huge motivation for him.
  • When the sprinklers activate, you can hear the commotion from the kitchen as Bob is just hanging there outside his trophy office. You can almost hear Dash laughing and then giving a whoop.
  • During his first fight with the Omnidroid, Bob tosses the droid into a lava pool and starts celebrating, assuming that it's dead. And promptly throws out his back. The droid emerges from the lava unscathed, and Bob is forced on the run, unable to fight effectively until the thing grabs him and tries to rip him in half...and accidentally fixes his back for him.
  • The Training Montage. One highlight is when it's implied that Bob and Helen groped each other's asses.
  • The montage of heroes who had... bad luck with capes.

    Edna: It will be bold! Dramatic!
    Bob: Yeah!
    Edna: Heroic!
    Bob: Yeah. Something classic, like, like Dynaguy. Oh, he had a great look! Oh, the cape and the boots...
    Edna: [tosses a scrunched up paper ball at Bob's head] No capes!
    Bob: Isn't that my decision?
    Edna: Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids.
    Bob: Listen, E...
    Edna: November 15th of '58! All was well, another day saved, when... his cape snagged on a missile fin.
    Bob: Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb...
    Edna: Stratogale! April 23rd, '57! Cape caught in a jet turbine!
    Bob: E, you can't generalize about these things...
    Edna: Meta-Man, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex! NO CAPES!

  • Edna Mode.

    Helen: E, this is Helen.
    Edna: Helen who?
    Helen: Helen Parr. (through teeth) You know... Elastigirl?
    Edna: DAHLING!
    (Edna has said her words so loudly that Helen juggles with the phone and eventually drops it in surprise.)

    • "Edna Mode." (BFG pops out of the ceiling and tracks Helen's head) "And guest." (BFG goes away)
      • Funnier in the Latin American version, where she says "Edna Mode... and other."
    • "My God, you've gotten fat." The best part about that line is that it comes after Bob's big work-out-slim-down montage, since she could only see his face over a vidphone at the time, and fatty rolls of skin on the face don't tend to go away with C-V workouts and muscle-building, especially at Bob's age.
    • "...and machine-washable, dahling, that's a new feature."
    • Edna's utterly bored and disgusted expression as she holds out a roll of toilet paper for Helen to use as tissues as she's sobbing over Bob's perceived infidelity. Word of God claims that Edna never buys tissues because "There is no crying at E's place!"
      • And theeen... the Rousing Speech;

        What are you talking about? You are Elastigirl! (starts whacking Helen in the head with a newspaper) My God, pull. Yourself. Together! What will you do, is, is this a question?! You will show him that you remember he is Mr. Incredible and you will remind him who you are! Well, you know where he is, go, confront the problem! Fight! WIN!!! ...and call me when you get back, dahling, I enjoy our visits.

    • Then there's Edna during the USA version's anti-piracy notice:

      Edna: If you mess with the Incredibles, they will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and KILL YOU LIKE A DOG!

    • Helen's slack jawed horror and Edna's maniacal glee in the scene where Edna shows off the rest of the family's super suits.

      Helen: Jack-Jack doesn't have any powers.
      Edna: No? ...Well, he'll look fabulous anyway!

      • Made even funnier by the fact that Edna is managing to drink tea on a super fast sliding machine. Helen can barely stop falling over - the tiny woman is able to drink tea. Edna must do this a lot.
      • Helen sees that the suit has been made to withstand fire and bullets, and asks "what on earth do you think the baby will be doing!"

        Edna: I'm sure I don't know, dahling. Luck favors the prepared.

  • "I am Syndrome! Your nemesis and... (inadvertently throws Mr. Incredible out of sight) Oh, brilliant."
    • Just the way he says that last bit suggests this isn't the first time he's managed to throw something by gesturing a bit too enthusiastically.
  • Two mooks see the ruined base of the monopod slide toward them, and aim their submachine guns into the darkness to blast whoever did this. Then the rest of the monopod comes hurling out of the sky and squashes them as they turn to flee.
  • Helen is prepping Violet to be in charge, and Violet is asking more questions than Helen is comfortable with answering, so we get this brilliant exchange:

    Violet: Wait, you mean Dad's "in" trouble, or Dad "is" the trouble?

    Helen: I MEAN, either he's in trouble, or he's going to be.

    • Every mother's son or daughter felt the hair on the back of their neck raise when they hear the "mom's pissed" voice.
  • "Easy Helen, easy. Easy, girl. You're overreacting. Everything's fine. They're just... all getting coffee. At the same time. Yeah."
  • From the plane scene:

    (Helen comes out in her supersuit and throws her bag on one of the seats, but it hits Violet, who was hiding)
    Violet: Ow!
    Helen: Violet?!?
    Violet: It's not my fault! Dash ran away, and I knew I'd get blamed for it—
    Dash: (comes out of hiding) That's not true!
    Helen: Dash?!?
    (As Violet and Dash are talking at the same time)
    Violet: …and I thought he'd try to sneak on the plane so I came here and you closed the doors before I could find him and then you took off and [turns to Dash] it's not my fault!
    Dash: You said, "Something's up with Mom. We have to find out what!" It was your idea! Your idea! Hundred percent all-yours, all-the-time idea!"
    Helen: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You left Jack-Jack alone?!?
    (As Violet and Dash are talking at the same time yet again)
    Violet: Yes, Mom, I'm completely stupid…Of course, we got a sitter! What, do you think I'm completely irresponsible? Thanks a lot!
    Dash: No, we got someone, Mom. Someone great. We wouldn't do that.

  • "I even brought Mozart to play while he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say, 'Mozart makes babies smarter!'"
    • Which makes it rather funny when Kari does play music to Jack-Jack; his eyes widen like something's caught his attention... and he starts teleporting. 'Smarter', indeed...
    • The sequel confirms through Edna's scientific testing that Jack-Jack indeed loves Mozart and it does trigger his powers.
  • Elastigirl telling her kids not to panic, only to shove them underwater seconds later when the aircraft nosecone comes down on top of them.
    • Dash: WE'RE DEAD! WE'RE DEAD! (Violet: It blew up!) WE SURVIVED, BUT WE'RE DEAD!
    • Helen threatening to ground her children if they don't stop screaming about being lost at sea.
  • After getting stuck in the middle of the ocean, Helen shapes herself into a boat while Dash propels her with his speedy kicks... and Violet just sits there moping, unable to do anything to help.
  • Elastigirl after she infiltrates Syndrome's base. She cleverly dodges trains and hides from guards with ease, and as she moves forward, she notices herself in a mirror, turns around... and sighs unhappily at the sight of her butt. Looks like Bob isn't the only one who put on weight during retirement.
    • Her body getting stuck in three different doors.
  • Dash playing with the huge echo in the cave.
  • Helen stretches her head into the control room in her search for Bob. She peers at the monitors and sees that one of the holding cells is using about three times the electricity that the rest are. She exclaims "Bob!" - and then remembers that she's right behind the two security guards. Helen pulls in her neck back into the vent while the guards are confused over what they just heard.
  • After escaping the volcano, the kids spend the night out in the jungle. In the morning, Dash wakes up first... and realizes with disgust that he's cuddled up with Violet in his sleep.
  • Dash discovering one of the downsides to superspeed: the bugs on a windshield problem.
  • During 100 Mile Dash, a guard makes an absolutely priceless expression just before he hits a cliff.
    • It's even funnier in the alternate takes available as Easter eggs on the special features DVD.
  • After surviving a long fall thanks to the forest's trees and vines, Dash celebrates jubilantly, only to unintentionally alert a couple of nearby guards to his presence:

    Dash: I'm alive! Yeah-hah! Woo-hoo! [guards notice him] Uh-oh.

  • The scene where Dash realizes he's fast enough to run on water. That devil-may-care laugh is infectious.
  • When Helen finally catches up with Bob, only to find him embracing Mirage (out of relief that his wife and children are still alive). Upon confronting an extremely pissed-off wife, Mirage is under no illusions about the position she's found herself in:

    Mirage: (Nervously) Oh... Hello! You must be Mrs. Incre--
    [Helen punches her in the face — from the other side of the room — causing her to crumple like a sack of potatoes.]
    Bob: She was helping me to escape!
    Helen: No, that's what I was doing. [Bob starts hauling her over by her extended arms] Let go of me. Let go, you lousy, lying unfaithful creep— [Bob kisses her]
    Bob: How could I betray the perfect woman?
    Helen: Oh, you're referring to me now?
    Bob: Where are the kids?
    Mirage: They might've triggered the alert.
    Helen: WHAT?!
    Mirage: Security's been sent into the jungle. You'd better get going.
    Helen: Our kids are in danger?!
    Bob: Well, if you suspected danger, why'd you bring 'em?
    Helen: I didn't bring 'em, they stowed away! And I don't think you're striking the proper tone here!

    • Better yet, after the scene transitions to a lengthy chase sequence where Dash and Violet escape the guards, we cut back to Bob and Helen running through the jungle looking for the kids... and they're still arguing.

      Bob: I should've told you I was fired, I admit it. But I didn't want you to worry.
      Helen: You didn't want me to worry?! And now we're running for our lives through some God-forsaken jungle...
      Bob: (grinning at her) You keep trying to pick a fight, but I'm still just happy you're alive!

  • When the family is fighting Syndrome's goons, one aircraft explodes... and Bob and Helen say to each other "I love you." Dash and Violet just stare at their parents with totally blank expressions.
  • "Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl?" (laughs, then looks at the kids) "Oh, and got BIZZAY! It's a whole FAMILY of supers! Looks like I've hit the jackpot!" (in a redneck accent) "Oh, this is just too good!"
    • The tone of Syndrome's voice makes it clear that he ships Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible, not knowing up until now that they got married 15 years ago.
  • A subtle one, but when Helen forces Dash to be quiet when Bob apologizes for his past neglect. The humor happens because Violet has managed to find a way to escape while Dash tries to alert Helen to this fact. The fact that Helen so nonchalantly shushes him to hear his father's apology comes off as: "I just went through hell and back for this man, so don't you dare interrupt while I'm hearing him own up to his shit!"
  • The guards in the mobile van that the family steals are watching a TV with the Omnidroid destroying Metroville, while sipping a bottle of champagne.
    • Bob catches the cork. Pain ensues for the henchmen.
  • Many would contend that Honey (see One-Scene Wonder and Offscreen Moment of Awesome) provides the movie's crowning moment of funny in the scene where Lucius/Frozone is looking for his supersuit.
  • Bob and Helen arguing over which exit to take when the Winnebago lands on the freeway after launching from one of Syndrome's rockets.

    Bob: The robot's in the financial district. Which exit do I take?
    Helen: Traction Avenue.
    Bob: That'll take me downtown. (moving toward the exit) I take Seventh, don't I?
    Bob: (swerves away at the last second) Great! We missed it!
    Helen: You asked me how to get there and I told you; exit at Traction.
    Bob: That'll take me downtown!
    Helen: It's coming up, get in the right lane! SIGNAL!
    Bob: (angrily swerves into the exit) AAAAAHHHHH!!!

    • The Winnebago getting launched... with Helen stretching out to hold it in the Omnidroid launch rig and grunting from the effort.

      Helen: DO I HAVE TO ANSWER?!

    • And of course, even superhero families on their way to save the day have this time-honored long-drive exchange...
  • Owing to Bob driving too fast, he accidentally causes the car to overshoot a parking space. Helen tries to help him brake...and all that does is send the Winnebago circling onto the road, before landing perfectly in an alternative spot, in perfect parallel. Bob turns around to ask how the kids are. A dazed Violet says, "Super-duper Dad" while Dash is giggling and saying, "Let's do it again."
  • Even though Jack-Jack's transformation from fiery baby to metal baby to monster is awesome, Syndrome's priceless look and high-pitched scream before Jack-Jack begins beating him up is funny.
    • Look very closely when Jack-Jack turns into metal and you can see his facial expression is no longer fear or rage, but sheer infantile stubborn grump. He's staring at Syndrome like he's saying "No. I'm not going to go with you."
      • "Something's happening!" What's happening!?" - Well, Helen, what is happening is that your son is losing his shit.
      • Jack-Jack is definitely his father's son; stuff explodes and he's fascinated. He could look at Helen, but there's something big and smoky that is a mass of different colors and going kaboom for him to stare at instead...
  • Syndrome being defeated by the one weakness of superhero clothing: the accident-prone cape.
  • Every single word the Staring Kid on the tricycle says. Special points to this one:


    • We see that after the kid says this, Bob clearly seems proud while the family just looks at him confused.
  • At the end of the movie, Dash is finally able to try out for track, and his family is on the bleachers cheering him on... and warning him not to run too fast. The look on the other parents' faces as they listen to the Parrs' instructions of "Make it second! A close second!" is priceless.
    • Supplementary materials reveal that Dash gains an entire shelf of second-place track trophies.
  • In a deleted scene, Bob and Helen argue when she suspects him of having an affair, giving us this conversation:

    Helen: What's this? (holding up a hair)
    Bob: Looks like a hair.
    Helen: Whose hair?
    Bob: I don't know. Cleaner's?
    Helen: It's blond.
    Bob: It's white.
    Helen: It's platinum blond.
    Bob: It's white old lady hair. The cleaner's.
    Helen: This is not old hair!
    Bob: Why don't you ask what you want to ask?
    Helen: Are you having an affair?
    Bob: Yeah. Me and the old lady. One look at her laundry and I had to have her. Are you nuts?

The comics

  • How Helen figures out Violet is dating Xander. Violet wrote Xander's name with little hearts on the back of her homework that she asked her mom to check for her.
  • Elastigirl is pregnant with Jack-Jack, then pretends to be in labor as a practice... then, she does go into labor and Mr. Incredible freaks out. He then refers to himself as "the man with the wife who's expecting!" and his doctor tells him to be more specific.
  • When the villain says, "Give us the alien virus!", the doctor notes that people don't normally ask to be given a virus.


  • The Incrediblunders a short collection of animation errors during production and the occasional intentional blooper, ranging from Helen and Violet's hair going crazy (due to the rig they use to animate it), characters wearing inappropriate or messed up clothing (or no clothing at all) as it hadn't been rendered yet and Syndrome licking Mirage (and she smiles in response)... wait, what?!
  • The DVD includes the database of superheroes, with some recorded interviews. Many are funny: the Make Me Wanna Shout hero has a sore throat, Dynaguy took his name from a diner, Mr. Incredible imitates a yodeling superhero...
  • And finally, a meta-example from one of the ads for a The Incredibles Video Game, the premise of which is a USMC-style training camp to make people "incredible".

    Drill Instructor: You may have arrived ordinary, but you will leave incredible!
    [camera shot changes to show a large brick wall]
    Drill Instructor: First drill, break through the wall! Go!
    Trainee: [runs full speed at the wall, then slows down and touches it] This is brick! Does everyone know this is brick? Brick, on the first day?!
    Narrator: It's not easy being incredible, but at least you can wield all the superpowers of the Incredibles in the Disney presents a Pixar film, The Incredibles Video Game!
    Trainee: Third day, maybe! Not br- brick on the fir- I haven't even unpacked yet!

  • This commercial for SBC Yahoo! DSL. Dash has a school report on the Great Wall of China, so he tries to look up a picture of it online, but his computer's internet service is so slow that he has to run all the way to the Great Wall of China itself to take a picture of it, and by the time he gets back, his computer is still loading at 21%. Even funnier is the name of the internet service: Take4Ever Dial-Up 56K.
  • A meta-example is the explanation for why the characters (specifically, the parents) have the powers they do. They wanted Mr. Incredible to have the basic Super-Strength powerset, and this became one of the reasons why Mrs. Incredible has stretching powers - so she could avert Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex!


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