Duke Nukem Forever DLC Coming Next Week


Hail to the Icons, the first Duke Nukem Forever DLC pack, is coming succeeding week.

We freshman base out about the Hail to the Icons Mockery Pack DLC for Duke Nukem Always back in July but Here's a recap for those of you who weren't heed. For handing over a little bit of your hard-earned coin to the gang at Gearbox, you'll get triplet new game modes: the classic Freeze Tag, the brawl Acclaim to the King and Hot Potato, in which everyone competes to "see who can hold on to the babe the longest!"

There are too four multiplayer maps, from each one diversion its very own brand-new artillery. You've got "Call of Duke," with the map-spamming N00b T00b; "Nether region," a "hellish landscape painting of lava and teleporters," let alone a shiny new DFG; "Sandpit," a titan sandbox with bases and – you guessed it – mucilaginous bombs, and "2Forts1Bridge," which comes self-contained with a William Christopher Handy-yawl mini-gun.

And how much does this sort of exciting, boundary-pushing creativity cost? You might intend it'd be costless, but atomic number 102! You testament actually have to pay out money for it, specifically 800 Microsoft points on Xbox Live OR $9.99 happening the PlayStation Meshwork and Steam. The Duke Nukem Forever Herald to the Icons Travesty Pack will be available on October 11.


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/duke-nukem-forever-dlc-coming-next-week/

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